海外ドラマで学ぶ句動詞 Phrasal Verb - Come around

T7:E16 Adeus




Hey, how did it go with Oliver?


He got a lead on the policies,but he can't get to them till morning. Good.
明日の朝には分かる よし

Well? Well, what?
そっちは? 何が?

Did you talk to my dad?
パパを誘ったと ルイスに聞いたわ

Louis told me.

He said he'd think about it.

So basically if my dad doesn't come around by tomorrow, Specter Litt could cease to exist.
パパが明日までに 承諾すれば― スペクター・リットは 助かる

Which, ironically, means the only way we still have jobs
僕たちは君のパパの 部下になるしかない

is if we're both working for your dad.

Come aroundには、意見を変える、態度を変えて同意する、妥協するの意味があります。
