ドラマで学ぶビジネス英会話 オフレコ

Alex: I got approached today by the New York Bar. It was off the record, but the guy pretty much told me if we don't take Zane's name down, they'll do it for us. Suits T9:E1

get on with  さっさと仕事に取り掛かる

Mr. Kendrick, I'd like to thank you for sitting down with us.Your situation's been difficult.The situation is my wife died.Difficult doesn't cover it. Of course not.Can we just get on with it?We made a few amendments to your offer. Suits T…

Come up with

ou think I can fix your problem for you?If I can find a reason to pay into a trustinstead of to them directly, then we can squeeze,make them take a buyout. If you already have that idea,why come to me? I need precedent,and legal minutia is…

Run Into (偶然、たまたま出会う)

As far as I know, you don't have any casespending against Scottie. Then look again,because I just ran into her at the coffee cart.There's no way that was a coincidence. Suites T8:E14

be up to speed と rip off の意味

This is a bunch of bullshit.こんなの palhaçada. I take it that means you're up to speed?あなたも察しがついているってことね? I'm not just up to speed, I know more about women's clothing than I ever thought possible.全部、お見通しってだけじ…

Keep tabs on ( 監視する )

Keep tabs on 今回も海外ドラマSuitsSuitsで実際に使われている場面をご紹介いたします。 Samantha: Donna, whatever it is, I'm kind of busy.ドナ、どんな要件か知らないけど、私ちょっと忙しいの。 Donna: I can see that. Does it have to do with why y…

海外ドラマで学ぶ Callを使った慣用句

call inとは 主な意味求める、回収する、(会社などに)(…を)電話する 学習レベルレベル:7英検:準1級以上の熟語学校レベル:大学以上の水準TOEIC® L&Rスコア:600点以上の熟語 T8E8 Coral Cables

海外ドラマで学ぶ Call it a night の意味・使い方

Okay, Samantha, I'll take care of Eric. 分かった、サマンサ。俺がエリックの面倒をみてやる。But before we call it a night,this idea came from you suggesting you're like him. だが、その前に、俺が奴の様になる様になれと And then, you started ta…

for breach of contract

He's suing you for breach of contract. 彼は契約破棄を理由にあなたを訴えている。

海外ドラマで学ぶビジネス表現 Strike a deal

One other thing... 後もう一つ、忘れないうちにいっておくが、そして最後に T8:E7The more we're bonded before that happens,Quanto mais unidos estivermos antes disso,the more likely we'll stay a family after it does.mais provável será manter a …

take it back... 後戻りする Suites T8:E2I can't take it back. What do you want me to do now?今更後戻りなんかできない。俺に何をして欲しいっていうんだ。 Am I interuppting? お忙しいところ失礼いたします。T8:E2 When push come to shove... T8:E2Wh…

海外ドラマで学ぶ ビジネスで使えるフレーズ

Take the liberty of - I've taken the liberty of suggesting who drops which client. tomei a liberdade de sugerir quem larga qual cliente. I am condient that... ~を本当に心から確信している And I am confident you'll agree with all of my prop…

海外ドラマで学ぶ句動詞 Phrasal Verb - Come around

T7:E16 Adeus 場所:MikeとRachelの家、Rachelはベッドの上でパソコンでネットサーフィンをしている。そこにMikeがZaneとの会話を終え、帰宅する。 Hey, how did it go with Oliver?保険の詳細は? He got a lead on the policies,but he can't get to them …

法律事務所 T7:E16 Adeus Louis, are you working in here?ルイス ここで仕事を? Sometimes I like to sit at my old desk after everyone1`s gone.昔の席に座るのが好きで What are you doing here?何か用か? I, uh, thought maybe you could use some he…

海外ドラマで学ぶ Come in の使い方

Mike Ross: Hey, what's going on? I got your message.オリヴァー 何かあった? Oliver: We just blew a small fortune on jack shit.金が無駄になった Don't tell me the soil reports didn't come in.まさか土壌報告書がまで来てないなんてことじゃないだ…

海外ドラマに学ぶthrough and through の意味とは・・・

You a coffee man, or are you one of them chai latte-drinking pretty boys? コーヒー派? それともカッコよく ラテ派? Both. I'm a coffee man through and through, but there's no denying I'm pretty.両方だ コーヒー派だけど カッコよくもある throu…


I don`t want to ask what i`m about to ask

海外ドラマで学ぶ 部下に対するフレーズ

This isn`t your fault. Don`t blame your self. これは君の責任じゃない。自分を責めなくていい。 I convinced him to buy his company back based on your suggestion. Briefe me on the way. 行く途中で説明しろ Can I talk to you a second? 今、ちょっ…

I have と I have got(I`ve got)の違い

I`ve got plans. 俺には予定がある。 I have plans. T13:E7 I`ve got dinner with my mother and Paula. T13:E7 How about you? I have a sit-down with Rachel and Father Walker.


Mikeから電話を転送された後にHerveyが使った表現。 It`s Hervey Specter. T7:E14 (This is) XX speaking. Mike Ross, again. Listen, we have no knowledge pf that. As I see it, you got two deals.


subopena Hes in custody. Allegation Trial settle fraude bribe bail hearing waive bill hoshakukin interrogation

Then you`re on your own. だったら自分でやってみろ。 Suits T6:E10 You`re gonna wind up in a prison (jail) anywa. いずれにせよ、むしょ域だからな You`ve helped many peoplo along the way. (so far, until now, up to now)??


The least you can do 少なくともあなたにできることは

海外ドラマに学ぶビジネス用語 オフィス編

Make copies コピーを取る I'm making copies of a brochure from The Plaza Hotel.


Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.

Actions speak louder than words. With all due respect, お言葉を返す様ですが、誤解を恐れずに申し上げますと


I need to take the day. 今日は休む必要がある。

Thought を使った様々な表現

give a lot of thoughts have second thoughts 悩む


The dollor took a dive against the yen. ドルが円に対して急落する。(=円がドルに対して急騰する。) Suits T5:E9

海外ドラマで学ぶ金融英語 - ボキャブラリー

Equity 株 Now where are we gonna get the money for the equity? どうやって株を買い戻す資金を得るつもりだ? Suits T5:E9 Hostile takeover 敵対的買収