
for breach of contract

He's suing you for breach of contract. 彼は契約破棄を理由にあなたを訴えている。

海外ドラマで学ぶビジネス表現 Strike a deal

One other thing... 後もう一つ、忘れないうちにいっておくが、そして最後に T8:E7The more we're bonded before that happens,Quanto mais unidos estivermos antes disso,the more likely we'll stay a family after it does.mais provável será manter a …

take it back... 後戻りする Suites T8:E2I can't take it back. What do you want me to do now?今更後戻りなんかできない。俺に何をして欲しいっていうんだ。 Am I interuppting? お忙しいところ失礼いたします。T8:E2 When push come to shove... T8:E2Wh…

海外ドラマで学ぶ ビジネスで使えるフレーズ

Take the liberty of - I've taken the liberty of suggesting who drops which client. tomei a liberdade de sugerir quem larga qual cliente. I am condient that... ~を本当に心から確信している And I am confident you'll agree with all of my prop…

海外ドラマで学ぶ句動詞 Phrasal Verb - Come around

T7:E16 Adeus 場所:MikeとRachelの家、Rachelはベッドの上でパソコンでネットサーフィンをしている。そこにMikeがZaneとの会話を終え、帰宅する。 Hey, how did it go with Oliver?保険の詳細は? He got a lead on the policies,but he can't get to them …

法律事務所 T7:E16 Adeus Louis, are you working in here?ルイス ここで仕事を? Sometimes I like to sit at my old desk after everyone1`s gone.昔の席に座るのが好きで What are you doing here?何か用か? I, uh, thought maybe you could use some he…

海外ドラマで学ぶ Come in の使い方

Mike Ross: Hey, what's going on? I got your message.オリヴァー 何かあった? Oliver: We just blew a small fortune on jack shit.金が無駄になった Don't tell me the soil reports didn't come in.まさか土壌報告書がまで来てないなんてことじゃないだ…

海外ドラマに学ぶthrough and through の意味とは・・・

You a coffee man, or are you one of them chai latte-drinking pretty boys? コーヒー派? それともカッコよく ラテ派? Both. I'm a coffee man through and through, but there's no denying I'm pretty.両方だ コーヒー派だけど カッコよくもある throu…


I don`t want to ask what i`m about to ask

海外ドラマで学ぶ 部下に対するフレーズ

This isn`t your fault. Don`t blame your self. これは君の責任じゃない。自分を責めなくていい。 I convinced him to buy his company back based on your suggestion. Briefe me on the way. 行く途中で説明しろ Can I talk to you a second? 今、ちょっ…

I have と I have got(I`ve got)の違い

I`ve got plans. 俺には予定がある。 I have plans. T13:E7 I`ve got dinner with my mother and Paula. T13:E7 How about you? I have a sit-down with Rachel and Father Walker.


Mikeから電話を転送された後にHerveyが使った表現。 It`s Hervey Specter. T7:E14 (This is) XX speaking. Mike Ross, again. Listen, we have no knowledge pf that. As I see it, you got two deals.