海外ドラマで学ぶ Call it a night の意味・使い方



Okay, Samantha, I'll take care of Eric.

But before we call it a night,this idea came from you suggesting you're like him.



And then, you started talking about fabricating evidence.

海外ドラマで学ぶビジネス表現 Strike a deal

One other thing... 後もう一つ、忘れないうちにいっておくが、そして最後に

The more we're bonded before that happens,
Quanto mais unidos estivermos antes disso,
the more likely we'll stay a family after it does.
mais provável será manter a união depois.

strike a deal

take it back...  後戻りする Suites T8:E2
I can't take it back. What do you want me to do now?

Am I interuppting? お忙しいところ失礼いたします。T8:E2

When push come to shove...  T8:E2
Whatever happens along the way, when push comes to shove,you will never let him down. その道のりで何がおころうとも、

no fim das contas, você nunca vai decepcioná-lo.
let someone down は、

LET DOWN(= disappoint)

約束したことや期待されていたことをしないで、その人を失望させる、がっかりさせる、という意味です。10 de jun de 2009
Aconteça o que acontecer, no fim das contas, você nunca vai decepcioná-lo.

Excuse me? Okay, have it your way.
-Como é? -Encare como quiser.

hear someone out. (人)の話を最後まで[注意して]聞く、(人)の話を傾聴する・At least hear me out. : (せめて)私の言い分だけでも聞いてください。
hear someone outの意味・使い方|英辞郎 on the WEB:アルク

have the balls - Urban Dictionary T8:E3
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To have the courage to do something. .

海外ドラマで学ぶ ビジネスで使えるフレーズ

Take the liberty of  - 

I've taken the liberty of suggesting who drops which client.
tomei a liberdade de sugerir quem larga qual cliente.


I am condient that... ~を本当に心から確信している

And I am confident you'll agree with all of my proposals with the exception-- I'm not dropping Dexterol.



As far as I`m concerned, .... 私に限って言えば・・・

Luis:  That's not true. As far as I'm concerned, you always will be.

Katrina: But I haven't heard one thing that I can use to justify keeping you.

So as far as I'm concerned, you're fired.


If it depends on me,“if it's up to me", or “if it were up to me”の文脈で使われています。ね。

海外ドラマで学ぶ句動詞 Phrasal Verb - Come around

T7:E16 Adeus




Hey, how did it go with Oliver?


He got a lead on the policies,but he can't get to them till morning. Good.
明日の朝には分かる よし

Well? Well, what?
そっちは? 何が?

Did you talk to my dad?
パパを誘ったと ルイスに聞いたわ

Louis told me.

He said he'd think about it.

So basically if my dad doesn't come around by tomorrow, Specter Litt could cease to exist.
パパが明日までに 承諾すれば― スペクター・リットは 助かる

Which, ironically, means the only way we still have jobs
僕たちは君のパパの 部下になるしかない

is if we're both working for your dad.

Come aroundには、意見を変える、態度を変えて同意する、妥協するの意味があります。







T7:E16 Adeus

Louis, are you working in here?
ルイス ここで仕事を?

Sometimes I like to sit at my old desk after everyone1`s gone.

What are you doing here?

I, uh, thought maybe you could use some help
ゴードンの件 手伝おうと思って
on the Gordon lawsuit. What about the clinic?
ゴードンの件 手伝おうと思って 相談所の方も大変だろ

You said you were in the middle of it.

Ah, that's okay.

Rachel and Oliver are working on it.
レイチェルと オリヴァーに頼んだ

Donna told you, didn't she?

Yeah, she did. Goddamn it.
そう お節介な

She was just doing her job, Louis.

It's not her job to get you to bail me out, Mike.


・Julie had to bail out her husband for the second time. : ジュリーは再度夫を保釈してもらわなければならなかった。