

Fail = get pissed You've earned it! Voce merece. Come to think of it, よくよく考えてみれば Speaking of which, We're gonna have to think of something else.


Unfortunately we`re booked on that date. 残念ながらその日は予定が入っております。

The ball is in your court. It`s up to you. 「on my own」と似ている表現に「by myself」があります。 「on my own」と「by myself」の違いは何かというと、、ありません。 「by myself」にも「一人で」と「誰の助けも借りずに」という2つの意味があり、「…


I get to it. 承知しました。(取り掛かります) I`m on it. You have my word. お任せください。 He wans to come in for a meeting. Pick a time.


You wanted to see me? What can I do for you? Did you need something? on purpose わざと bring to someone`s attention It was brought to my attention that… Thank you for bringing this to my attention.